That 2020 Spring- A Poem
Before I present this little poem I figured I would write a bit, since I see this a place to let out my creative juices flow and journal a bit. However, if you would like to just skip ahead, by all means, please scroll to the poem.
I feel honored to have grown up in a family with parents that encouraged creativity and journaling. I have always been taught and felt deeply that journalling comes in a variety of forms, it does not just have to be limited to writing a detailed account of daily activities. There are endless way to share your story, through writing, pictures, scrapbooks, sewing, video, a short daily gratitude list, social media posts, and even poetry (there are more ways but we could be here all day).
From the title you probably have gathered this particular post is about poetry, yes, I journal through poetry. A few years back I was living far from home and going through a bit of a rough patch, I felt a little lonely and a little lost in the choices that played before me. One morning I was sitting out on the balcony of where I was living and doing some spring time morning breathing, basically meditation. I am a religious gal so prayer was heavily included in this morning meditation. As I sat in the stillness of that spring morning, listening to the birds and soaking it in. A voice came alive within my head. It was a new voice, a poetic voice that I honestly had not heard much before. I started to write what came to me which in the end resulted in my first poem!
Since that spring morning I have wrote more poems that for me have become significant memories for events in my life. Each one I have written seems to fit well with unique events that have come into my life, from the loss of loved ones, to the need to express my love for a small red bird, I've written ones to cope through my own mental struggles, and for the happy events like my own wedding and the confidence I have developed deep inside. These are not professional by any means and I am sure that the poetic critic could give me much more to improve upon, but these poems are special to me as a small part of my own story.
I hope you all enjoy and I hope you all go out and find your unique way to journal through life, not just for you but for those to come and those who may need your story!
Thanks for letting me share some of my own little story! Love y'all!
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