“Find the JOY in the Tender Mercies Everyday.”
So with the new year comes new thoughts and resolutions. Basically, I love new things and new beginnings! I have made a decision to make my resolution to find JOY … Go figure. I want to go month by month this year with ways we can ALL add extra Joy 2 our Journeys. I hope you are all ready for an adventure, together as we seek joy in this crazy journey we call life. Welp, for the first month we are focusing small, then we will work our way up. So for the month of January we are going to, wait for it… “FIND THE JOY IN THE TENDER MERCIES EVERYDAY.” Sounds fun, right? I am pretty pumped, It will be like a game or a scavenger hunt, basically an adventure. But wait, what does that mean exactly? Well, looking for the tender mercies is looking for the little beauties in everyday life. Often times I think we get so sucked into these little ruts of negativity, it gets hard to see the ...